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The Commission:

  • Name: Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
  • Regulatory or advisory: Regulatory
  • Number of voting members: 7
  • Term length: 6 years
  • How selected: Appointed by Governor
  • Senate confirmation required: Yes
  • Selection criteria per statute

At least 3 members of the natural resources board shall be from the territory north, and at least 3 members of the board shall be from the territory south, of a line running east and west through the south limits of the city of Stevens Point. At least one member of the natural resources board shall have an agricultural background…At least 3 members of the natural resources board shall be individuals who held an annual hunting, fishing, or trapping license, in this state or another state, in at least 7 of the 10 years previous to the year in which the individual is nominated.”

  • From the Commission’s website

The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board (NRB or Board) sets policy for the Department of Natural Resources and exercises authority and responsibility in accordance with state laws.

The Agency:

  • Name: Fish, Wildlife & Parks Division
  • Type: Subagency within the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  • Title of Agency Director: Secretary
  • Selection process: Appointed by Governor
  • Mission statement from agency website

“To protect and enhance our natural resources: our air, land and water; our wildlife, fish and forests and the ecosystems that sustain all life. To provide a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities. To ensure the right of all people to use and enjoy these resources in their work and leisure. To work with people to understand each other’s views and to carry out the public will. And in this partnership consider the future and generations to follow.”


†† Minor Other (no single source ≥10%): Program Revenues, Tribal Gaming Compact, Other, Gifts and Grants


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 2005-6 Fish and Wildlife Funding


America’s Wildlife Values was an extensive 2018 nationwide survey led by Colorado State University of public attitudes towards wildlife. Findings were compared with a 2004 survey to identify trends. Researchers also surveyed personnel at state wildlife agencies. Reports are available for national, state and agency results. (Some state agencies did not participate.)

State Report

National Report