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Wolf Connection #137: Michelle Lute

Michelle Lute is the Co-Executive Director for Wildlife For All, whose mission is to reform wildlife management in the U.S. to be more democratic, compassionate and focused on protecting wild species and ecosystems. She is a conservation scientist and advocate with nearly twenty years experience in biodiversity conservation on public and private lands around the globe.

Michelle spoke about the efforts of Wildlife For All, the impacts of wildlife management on wolves and other predators, and how collaboration could be the key to reach solutions for wildlife and wild lands.

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Kevin Bixby of Wildlife for All featured on Ahi Va podcast

Wildlife for All’s Executive Director, Kevin Bixby, and Andre Miller, Western Lands Policy Analyst for Western Resource Advocates talk with Jesse Duebel on the Ahi Va podcast about the greatest threats to wildlife and what a more robust funding model for conservation can do to mitigate those threats.

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Grizzly Times Podcast – Episode 39 with Dave Stalling

David Stalling is a hunter, angler, writer, activist and former Force Recon Marine! A devoted conservationist, David here shares his experience as “an anti-hunter who hunts,” a serious bow hunter who has rejected the high-tech gear of many hunters – and the kind of equipment he used as a Marine.

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