Take Action
Thank you for visiting this page! You obviously care about wildlife and so you have the super power needed to change the way wildlife is managed in your state. Here are some suggestions for how to do that.
- Start by becoming familiar with the nuts and bolts of state wildlife governance. Check out the “Resources” section on this website, especially the “Overview of State Wildlife Management.” Check out the “Myth Busters” section to help prepare for the inevitable time you hear somebody explain to you why the status quo can’t or shouldn’t be changed.
- Then learn more about how wildlife decisions are made in your state. Use the “Find Your State” feature to get specific information about your state’s wildlife statutes, wildlife commission (if your state has one), wildlife agency, and sources of wildlife funding.
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Now you’re set to go to work. You can act on your own, but there is strength in numbers. Ideally, you will do these things as part of an organization that works on wildlife issues in your state (e.g. Sierra Club chapter) or a state wildlife advocacy coalition. Contact us at Wildlife for All if you need help finding wildlife advocates in your state.
There are at least three points of intervention where you can focus your efforts to reform state wildlife management:
- Commissions
- Governor
- Legislatures