The Ideal Wildlife Commissioner
Wildlife for All has developed the following recommended qualifications for commission candidates to ensure that they have the expertise, integrity and understanding needed to fulfill their principal duty: to serve as trustees of the wildlife public trust.
The ideal wildlife commissioner candidate:
- Will broaden the commission to ensure that it represents the views of all people in the state, not solely those who hunt, trap, fish, or are involved in agriculture;
- Understands that wildlife is a public trust and they will have a duty to act as a trustee for all the people, consistent with the Public Trust Doctrine and principles of good governance;
- Understands and supports the need to conserve all species of fish and wildlife, including carnivores, as part of healthy ecosystems, and to adjust policies to changing conditions, such as climate change and the ongoing extinction crisis;
- Understands that conservation is more than resource-oriented “wise use” because wildlife has its own intrinsic value and conservation entails protection of our wildlife heritage for the sake of future generations.
- Is either a scientist or has experience that helps the commission to understand science and translate it into policy;
- Respects and commits to proper tribal consultation as required by federal law;
- Recognizes that decision-making about wildlife includes scientific and value-based judgments and is committed to considering both the best available science and the values expressed by all constituents;
- Has demonstrated the ability to work constructively with diverse audiences on complex issues;
- Will commit sufficient time, with institutional support if required, to fulfill Commissioner’s responsibilities;
- Will declare all potentially competing interests and recuse themselves from decisions that would harm or benefit their personal, family or business financial interests.