The goal is to get good candidates appointed to your state wildlife commission (in most states by the governor).
Suggested Actions:
Figure out if there are any current vacancies on the commission or any commissioners whose terms are nearing expiration. Start to gather names of qualified candidates who support a Wildlife for All reform agenda and are willing to serve. (See our recommended qualifications for the ideal commission candidate here.)
Submit those names to the governor for appointment to vacancies on the commission. (This has more impact if done as a sign-on letter from a number of groups.) Follow up to let the governor know that the issue is important to you, and that the wildlife advocacy community is watching.
If you have the opportunity at public events, remind the Governor how important it is to you as a voter that qualified people with diverse viewpoints, including non-consumptive users, be appointed to the commission.
Submit letters to the editor and op-eds on the topic.