
The Commission:

  • Name: Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board
  • Regulatory or advisory: Regulatory
  • Number of voting members: 7
  • Term length: 5 years
  • How selected: Appointed by Governor
  • Senate confirmation required: No
  • Selection criteria per statute

Five board members shall be appointed from one of each of the five fish and game districts, at least one of whom shall have been actively engaged in farming on land owned by him for a period of not less than five years. Two board members shall be appointed at large, shall be particularly interested in the propagation, protection, research and management of wild birds and mammals and any, so-called, endangered species and one of whom shall be a wildlife biologist.”

  • From the Commission’s website

“The Board’s mandate is to protect and manage the wildlife of the Commonwealth as an essential public natural resource for the use and enjoyment of all citizens who hunt, fish, trap, and enjoy nature study and observation.”

The Agency:

  • Name: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game
  • Type: Standalone agency
  • Title of Agency Director: Commissioner
  • Selection Process: appointed by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, approved by the Governor
  • Mission statement from agency website:

“to preserve the state’s natural resources and people’s right to conservation of those resources”

Revenue for Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, FY22:

Other: Stamps (7.6%), Magazine Subscriptions (0.4%), Timber Sales/Other (0.8%), Fines and Penalties (0.4%), Rents (0.2%), Donations (0.1%), Problem Animal Control (0.1%), Taxes – Gasoline (4.3%)

Source: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Annual Report 2022

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America’s Wildlife Values was an extensive 2018 nationwide survey led by Colorado State University of public attitudes towards wildlife. Findings were compared with a 2004 survey to identify trends. Researchers also surveyed personnel at state wildlife agencies. Reports are available for national, state and agency results. (Some state agencies did not participate.)

State Report

Agency Culture Report

National Report