The Nevada Wildlife Commission rejected a petition to protect mountain lions by reforming trapping regulations in their January 24 meeting.

The Nevada Wildlife Commission rejected a petition to protect mountain lions by reforming trapping regulations in their January 24 meeting.
We need your voice to prevent bobcat trapping in Indiana; speak up at a critical public hearing on January 16th.
Today, January 12, marks the 30th anniversary of the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho, of a monumental moment in conservation history.
A significant development for wildlife: grizzly bears stay protected. USFWS declined to remove grizzly bears from the Endangered Species Act.
WDFW escalates war on wolves with yesterday’s lethal removal decision targeting the Columbia Pack wolves in an increasingly aggressive stance.
Yesterday, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced they are investigating the illegal killing of a gray wolf in Grand County.
In November, a Missouri man illegally shot and killed a mountain lion that had traveled more than 400 miles.
End the incidental trapping of Nevada’s mountain lions. Incidental trapping harms one of every six or seven mountain lions in Nevada.
We need your voice at the Arizona Wildlife Commission meeting on December 6 to protect Arizona’s wildlife and public lands.
On Friday, debate at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting on the East Slope Mountain Lion Management Plan, heard a former employee that led the state’s mountain lion program for years admit that hunting mountain lions isn’t necessary.
Trophy hunting groups are targeting Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) commissioners who supported Prop 127; pack the room to show support!
Statement from Wildlife for All in response to Colorado Prop 127 failing to pass, a ballot initiative to end mountain lion and bobcat hunting in the state.
Colorado’s Prop 127 would end mountain lion trophy hunting. Animals that are trophy hunted are not hunted for food, but for entertainment.
Journalists in Utah have revealed that an anti-wolf lobby group fraudulently misused public tax dollars to fund its activities, highlighting the entrenched power and corruption of the anti-carnivore lobbyists within state wildlife management.
A new nationwide survey conducted by Colorado State University and Project Coyote reveals strong support for criminalizing acts of cruelty to wildlife, including practices like running over wolves with snowmobiles.
A Wyoming State Legislature Committee had the opportunity to address the public’s overwhelming demand to ban snowmobiling over wildlife—but didn’t.
Recent research on ungulate diseases like CWD calls into question the wisdom of states’ permissive, in some cases unrestricted, hunting and trapping of cougars, wolves, coyotes and bobcats. If the whole of nature is good, no part can be bad. It’s time for all hunters to recognize predators as allies, not competitors.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved a wolf kill order yesterday for the Couse wolf pack in southeast Washington.
State wildlife agencies are failing to restore and protect wildlife because they prioritize hunting, fishing and trapping over ecological conservation, according to a new study in the journal Bioscience.
A ballot initiative in Colorado would ban the hunting of cougars. Opponents say it would eliminate an essential management tool. This hunter doesn’t buy it.