Climate change impacts both people and wildlife, especially in arid regions, which are at heightened risk of wildfires and drought.   Environmental hazards, pollution, degradation, and biodiversity loss also disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities.  A proposed New Mexico Green Amendment promotes environmental equity and the right of all people to a safe and healthy environment.  Pennsylvania, New York, and Montana currently have similar measures in their state constitutions.  In addition, the New Mexico amendment would ensure stronger protections for the state’s wildlife, promoting healthy ecosystems and native species as a public trust.

A bill to place the Green Amendment on the ballot for November 2025 will be introduced in the next New Mexico legislative session in January 2025.

Wildlife For All supports this effort because:

  • The measure would guarantee New Mexicans the right to a healthy environment, including native flora, fauna and ecosystems. Individuals could go to court to force the government to take action if this right was violated.
  • It would explicitly acknowledge that wildlife and natural resources are part of the public trust that the government, as trustee, has a duty to protect for the benefit of all people, including future generations.

The current proposed language for the New Mexico Green Amendment is:

It is proposed to amend Article 2 of the constitution of New Mexico by adding: A. The people of the state shall be entitled to clean and healthy air, water, soil and environments; healthy native flora, fauna and ecosystems, and a safe climate; for the benefit of public health, safety and general welfare. The state shall protect these rights equitably for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation, gender, socioeconomics, or geography. B. The state, counties and municipalities shall serve as trustee of the natural resources of New Mexico and shall conserve, protect and maintain these resources for the benefit of all the people, including present and future generations. C. The provisions of this section are self-executing. Monetary damages shall not be awarded for a violation of this section. This section is enforceable against the state, counties and municipalities.