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It’s time to get active in February Wildlife Commission Meetings.

A small reddish-brown mink with a white snip of fur on her chest stands on a snowbank, looking alertly at the camera. Text in red on the image reads, "FEBRUARY WILDLIFE COMMISSION MEETINGS, Your voice is needed."

February Wildlife Commission Meetings

Month two of 2025, wildlife advocates! Amp up your involvement in this second month of the year.

Wildlife commission meetings are critical opportunities to influence state policies and ensure that wildlife is managed in a way that reflects ecological principles and public values. Your voice matters. Whether you choose to attend in person, speak virtually, or submit comments, participating in these meetings is a meaningful way to stand up for wildlife.

Below is the list of every state with a wildlife commission meeting in February, listed from first to last by date. As you plan your comments and engagement, use the resources on our Resources Page and Advocacy Toolkit to prepare. Check below for meeting details by state and instructions for how to engage. Let’s make a difference!



Meeting Date: February 3

Location: Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: Meeting starts at 9 a.m. It’s not clear how to comment or speak; we suggest emailing the department to ask. It’s also unclear if there is a virtual participation option. Read more on their website.


North Carolina

Meeting Date: February 5-6

Location: Raleigh

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: The first day is mostly committee meetings before the whole commission meets. February 5 Agenda and schedule, and Zoom. February 6 Agenda and Zoom. The website says to register for virtual/Zoom attendance in advance but does not list a deadline. Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are held at Commission Headquarters in Raleigh.



Meeting Date: February 6

Location: LDWF Headquarters, Joe L. Herring Room, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: The website does not have an agenda up yet and it is unclear how to speak or comment, as well as if virtual participation is allowed. From the website: “The Commission meets the first Thursday of every month. Unless otherwise noted, Commission meetings begin at 9:30 am. Commission meetings are open to the public. A live audio/video stream of each meeting is also available via Zoom for those who are not able to attend in person.”



Meeting Date: February 6-7

Location: MDC Headquarters, 2901 W Truman Blvd., Jefferson City, MO 65102

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: Thursday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m. – Workshop and Closed Executive Session. Friday, Feb. 7, 8:30 a.m. – Regular Open Meeting. Any person who would like to comment to the Commission about a specific agenda item must make a written request to the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting. The time allotted for public comment and the number of speakers will be at the Commission’s discretion.


Colorado – office hours with Commissioner Bailey

Meeting Date: February 7

Location: Virtual

Details: Commissioner Karen Bailey is hosting office hours to discuss CPW topics from 10- 11 a.m. on Friday, February 7. If you have specific topics you want to discuss with Commissioner Bailey, please email her directly at You can join the meeting virtually using Zoom.


New Jersey

Meeting Date: February 11

Location: Assunpink Wildlife Management Area – Central Region Office, Large Conference Room,1 Eldridge Rd., Robbinsville Twp, NJ 08691

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: The public is welcome to attend and participate in the public portion of each meeting. Meeting starts at 10 a.m. and will be held both in person and via GoToMeeting  (audio only). Per the website, public comments may be made in person or online and will be limited to 3 minutes per person. More information about the Commission is on its website, including a meeting guide and how to connect. For help, contact



Meeting Date: February 12-13

Location: Sacramento HQ; California Natural Resources Headquarters Building
Second Floor, 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Details: At time of webpage publishing, the agenda link was broken but the meeting document index has some details.

Notes: Commission meetings are live-streamed (also referred to as a live webcast) with full audio and video. If you simply want to observe the meeting, but do not wish to comment on any item, we encourage you to view the live webcast available at How to join (if you plan to provide comment). More on all meetings in 2025.



Meeting Date: February 12

Location: Des Moines

Details: Click here for agenda and details. (Agenda not available at time of webpage publishing.)

Notes: The meeting starts at 10 a.m. Teleconference functionality is usually available but was not on the website at the time this webpage was published. Comments regarding agenda items may be submitted for public record to or 6200 Park Ave Ste 200, Des Moines IA 50321 up to 24 hours prior to the business meeting.



Meeting Date: February 13

Location: Lansing Community College – Downtown, 600 North Grand Avenue, Michigan Room, Lansing, MI 48933

Details: Click here for agenda and details.

Notes: Meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. Persons registering to provide comments on a topic listed on the agenda on or before the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed up to 5 minutes for their comments. Persons registering to comment on a topic not listed on the agenda, after the Friday preceding the meeting, or at the meeting will be allowed up to 3 minutes. If you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments on agenda items, please write to Natural Resources Commission, P.O. Box 30028, Lansing, Michigan 48909, or email Read more on the Commission website.



Meeting Date: February 13

Location: Zoom only

Details: Click here for agenda and details. 

Notes: Meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. Public comments will be accepted on the proposals in the agenda through January 28, 2025. Public comment is always welcome during the Zoom meeting. Register to comment via Zoom by February 12.



Meeting Date: February 13-14

Location:Kliever Memorial Armory, 10000 NE 33rd Dr., Portland, OR 97211

Details: February 13 workshop agenda | February 14 meeting agenda

Notes: The workshop on February 13 starts at 1 p.m. The meeting on February 14 starts at 8 a.m. Comment and testimony are limited to 3 minutes or less. Submit written comments and/or register to speak virtually by 8 a.m., Wednesday, February 12. Those who would like to provide virtual testimony must register no less than 48 hours in advance to receive a testimony link to the meeting. To provide testimony on an agenda item in-person, registration will be available at the meeting. To provide in-person public comment, fill out a “Witness Registration” form available at the meeting.



Meeting Date: February 13-15

Location: Olympia

Details: Click here for agenda and details (note no agenda is available at the time of webpage publishing)

Notes: Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5 p.m. the day before the meeting begins. Registrants will be called upon and typically have 3 minutes to speak. If you are unable to participate, you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page.



Meeting Date: February 14

Location: Region IV

Details: No agenda is available yet.

Notes: Members of the public may view the meeting from any Department Regional Office. Members of the public attending in person wanting to speak on a specific agenda item may submit Speaker Cards (Blue Cards) if they wish to speak to the Commission and may only address the Commission by attending in person or from any regional office. Copies of any presentations, documents, etc. discussed during the meeting will be available by contacting No discussion or action will be taken by the Commission on topics raised in public comment. Any items requiring further discussion or action will be included on a future Commission meeting agenda. View live webcasts at

Hawai’i #1

Meeting Date: February 14

Location: 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Details: Meeting agendas are posted at least 6 days prior to the date of the meeting but an agenda for this month was not available when this webpage was posted. Keep checking back on this webpage.

Notes: Meeting starts at 9.a.m. Attend in person and arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting start time in order to add your name to the sign-in sheet. To speak virtually, email Include your name and the agenda item on which you would like to testify. Once your request has been received, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. Requests may be also made during the meeting. Meetings will be livestreamed at:  To submit a comment, email no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting to ensure time for BLNR Member review.


New Hampshire

Meeting Date: February 18

Location:Fish and Game Headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH

Details: Agenda was not available when this webpage was published. Keep checking this webpage for details.

Notes: Meetings are generally at 1 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month. Meetings of the NH Fish and Game Commission are open to the public, unless otherwise noted.



Meeting Date: February 19-20

Location: Little Rock

Details:  Click here for agenda and details (note no agenda is online at time of webpage publishing).

Notes: Unclear how to speak at meetings or provide virtual testimony or written comments. 2025 meeting schedule is here.



Meeting Date: February 19

Location: Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Heritage Service, 580 Taylor Avenue, Tawes State Office Building, E-1, Annapolis MD 21401

Details: No agenda was available at time of webpage publishing; meeting schedule is listed at the end of the January agenda.

Notes: Google Meet. Note: Unless notified otherwise, all meetings will be held via Google Meet. When meeting in person, they will be held in the C-4 Conference Room of the Department of Natural Resources—Tawes State Office Building beginning at 10:30 a.m. Available parking is located at the Navy Stadium Parking Lot. Send written comments to



Meeting Date: February 19

Location: Wildlife District 1 Office, 1500 Dublin Rd., Columbus, OH

Details: Click here for agenda and details 

Notes: Comments for open forums during Ohio Wildlife Council meetings must be about a current rule proposal. If you have a topic that is not a current rule proposal, please email the council with your comment or question (, or speak to a council member before or after a meeting. If the topic falls within the wildlife, fish, or law section, feel free to reach out at our open houses or email the Division of Wildlife at  Speakers must register by 5 p.m. Monday, February 17. The Public Comment Form must be completed and submitted to Along with the form, submit any handouts you plan to provide.
Speakers are limited to 3 minutes. There will be a maximum of ten speaker slots available. PowerPoint presentations are not permitted.




Meeting Date: February 19

Location: Dewey Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620

Details: No agenda was available at time of webpage publishing; check this page routinely for updates

Notes: Meeting starts at 5 p.m. No information on how to speak or comment. The board usually meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. to review rules currently being proposed to the Board. Review the Board’s website for more details including the 2025 meeting schedule.


South Carolina

Meeting Date: February 20

Location: Room 107-108 Botany Bay Board Room on the 1st floor of SCDNR Headquarters at 260 D Epting Lane in West Columbia in the State Farmer’s Market complex on Highway 321

Details: Click here for agenda and details

Notes: Meeting starts at 10 a.m. Anyone wishing to make comments to the Board please email your name and topic to at least 24 hours in advance. Contact Sandy Rucker 803-734-9102 or for assistance.



Meeting Date: February 20-21

Location: Nashville

Details: Click here for agenda and details (note no agenda is available at the time of webpage publishing)

Notes: No agenda listed and it is unclear how to watch remotely, or how to provide comments.


Illinois – Endangered Species Protection Board

Meeting Date: February 21

Location: Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Director’s Boardroom, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702

Details: Meeting starts at 10 a.m. in the  A virtual meeting option will be available. Read more.


West Virginia

Meeting Date: February 23

Location: Marshall University Memorial Student Center, 1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755

Details: Click here for agenda and details (note no agenda or detailed meeting information is available at time of webpage publishing)

Notes: Meeting starts at 1 p.m. Send comments to



Meeting Date: February 25

Location:DNR Board Room 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE Suite 1252 East, Atlanta, GA 30334

Details: Click here for details. (note the meeting agenda was not available at time of webpage publishing)

Notes: Meeting starts at 9 a.m.It is unclear how to sign up to speak, submit a comment, or if virtual participation is possible. Here is the full 2025 meeting schedule.



Meeting Date: February 25-26

Location: Rm. G09, State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2), 101 S. Webster St., Madison WI 53703. Enter the building at the 101 S. Webster St. entrance and take the hallway to the right to the reception desk.

Details: Click here for agenda and meeting details (note no agenda is available at time of website publishing).

Notes:The Natural Resources Board will meet in-person. Remote testimony from the
public via Zoom may be accepted for this meeting. In person public appearances are
also welcome. Members of the public can submit their request to testify remotely, in
person, or their written comments by the posted deadline date for Board
consideration, typically one week before the meeting date.


Hawai’i #2

Meeting Date: February 28

Location: 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Details: Meeting agendas are posted at least 6 days prior to the date of the meeting but an agenda for this month was not available when this webpage was posted. Keep checking back on this webpage.

Notes: Meeting starts at 9.a.m. Attend in person and arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting start time in order to add your name to the sign-in sheet. To speak virtually, email Include your name and the agenda item on which you would like to testify. Once your request has been received, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. Requests may be also made during the meeting. Meetings will be livestreamed at:  To submit a comment, email no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting to ensure time for BLNR Member review.